Happy NOTEvember đź’Ś Show your Gratitude with Handwritten Notes

The holidays are the perfect time to reflect on all the blessings in your life and connect with those who mean the most to you. One simple and effective way to share your gratitude is to embrace the habit of writing personal notes – the most powerful and least expensive way to deepen a relationship!

People don’t save e-mails or voicemails; however, they do save personal handwritten notes for years. When asked during an interview what he felt led to his being elected as president, George H. Bush said, “Personal notes, I’ve written 10 a day every day…” We all need to know that we matter, and personal notes are a way to let someone know that they matter to us. If former President George H. Bush could find the time to write notes, so can you!

Why Notes? Writing personal notes consistently will…

  • Leave a positive, lasting impact with the people you care about.

  • Make someone’s day.

  • Deepen and improve your personal and professional relationships.

  • Put you in a positive frame of mind.

  • Show you care!

Some Tips to Get Started…

  • Choose a goal number, daily or weekly, that you will send out

  • Set your goal number of notes next to your phone first thing in the morning.

  • Write your notes every morning before checking e-mail or social media.

  • Keep a list of names and addresses with you and mark off the name when you send a note.

  • Pre-address your envelopes for personal notes for the week.

  • Bookmark this page for ideas to get started when you have writer’s block.

  • Adopt a mindset that “my day is not done until my notes are done.

  • For more impact, include something specific to the recipient that lets them know you know who they are. “How are the Pomeranians, Tuff and Bruiser?”

If you’re friends of the Janice Burtis Team, chances are you’ve received at least one personal note from us! We’re big believers in showing our clients and community how much we care with personal touches.

P.S. - If you’re a client, keep an eye out for a personal message from Janice in the mail this December!

Thinking about making a move this winter? Reach out to the Jancie Burtis Team to learn more about buying or selling in Grand Junction.


November Events in Grand Junction


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