Here are 4 Ways to Have Fun with Your Kids Outdoors in Grand Junction

Ask your parents what they did for fun when they were growing up, and their answers will most likely be filled with stories of outdoor adventures. These days, children spend up to 7.5 hours a day in front of a screen, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, so entertainment for your parent’s generation and our future generation look drastically different. 

Playing outside is an important way for kids to get active and stay healthy both mentally and physically. This month, make plans with your kids to get out and enjoy the outdoors. We put together a list of ideas and events worth looking for the spring.

Photo by Ron Lach

1. Go Old School

Kids who grew up before the millennium are known to have played outside for hours, until the street lights came on of course. This spring, introduce your kids to some of the same games you played when you were a kid. Better yet, play with them! They are probably familiar with hopscotch, jump rope, and hide and seek. But imagine how much fun you can have, not to mention quality fam time, showing them the ends and outs of Capture the Flag, Marco Polo, or Blind Man’s Bluff. These games are perfect as they encourage social skills, imagination, and calorie-burning, if you’re “It,” of course.

2. Play Ball

Spring is the perfect time to kick off spring sports such as soccer, baseball, golf, or even swimming. As the weather gets warmer encourage your kids to sign up for both school and afterschool sports. The GJ Parks and Recreation has its spring activities guide online, so be sure to check it out. With the skills your kiddos will develop while being coached in a positive environment, while making friends, by the end of the year, you’ll be glad they’ll have a sporty interest of their own. 

Photo by Filip Urban on Unsplash

3. Give Them the OK to Get Wet, Dirty, and Messy

While many parents discourage mess, mud, and dirt, this year challenge yourself to embrace it. After all, kids will be kids. Let them! Explore nature with your children by going on a family hike. If that’s a bit too outdoorsy, stay at home and start a vegetable or herb garden with your kids. Since spring is the time all sorts of bugs will out and about, supply your children with a jar and have them catch a few ladybugs or worms. If you choose to grow plants with your kids, opt for items that go from seed to food fairly quickly and that are easy to plant, such as sweet peppers, strawberries, or cucumbers.

4. Pencil in Kid-Friendly Events on Your Calendar

During the warmer months, our community tends to throw plenty of family-friendly events such as festivals, farmers’ markets, and more. Here are a few to add to your calendar over the next few months: 

Grand Valley River Fest & Rubber Ducky Race on May 14, 2022

6th Annual Wüffstock Music Festival on May 14, 2022

Western Colorado Dragway on May 20, 2022

Kids Adventure Games on June 3-5, 2022 


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